You’d think for someone who’s afraid of airplanes, I would do everything I possibly can to avoid long flights. Sadly, this wasn’t the case when it came to our Brazil trip.
Spending more than 15 hours traveling can make one feel like they can conquer anything. Sadly, it also makes you feel like you need to be in bed for three days after that. Good thing that we had a full itinerary for our time back home.
I didn’t know what to expect as we got off the plane. The first thing I noticed is the lack of air conditioning. We didn’t let it keep us down. Not only that but we didn’t want to waste any time. As soon as we got off the airplane it was time to start the vacation we really planned.
After a couple of minutes of greeting our family and after crying a couple of tears, we all decided that it was time to actually leave the airport. The usual family would probably like to get settled down before stepping out into the city, not us.
As soon as we decided to leave the airport we went straight to the beach. There was no time to waste as we had 15 years to catch up on. What better way to do that then to lay in the sun with a couple of cocktails?
While we were on our way I noticed how different Brazil looked to what we were normally used to. Something about everyone there made us feel at home. Everywhere you turned there was a beach around the corner, ice cold coconuts were being sold, and some type of music was heard.
With being gone so long, there wasn’t much that we remembered but it was great to hear about all the stories my parents had to tell us and believe me when I tell you, there were many. We thought that we would feel like fish out of water roaming around our previous home but it was just the opposite. We finally understood our culture a bit deeper and decided to engulf ourselves in everything that Brazil had to offer us.
Everywhere we went and everything we ate had a story behind it. Behind every rock we passed, there was a memory that could be shared. Arriving back home was something that we didn’t expect but everything that we needed to understand where we truly came from.
My sister and I left when we were so young that we were never able to comprehend our story and where we came from but going back after so many years was exactly what we wanted. As much as we know you love to see all the content we have for you, make sure you subscribe to our website to get the real inside look at all the places we want to show you!